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Book Boogie Babes Halifax


You need only book a place for a child
Apply code Hal2 at the checkout for a sibling discount or Spec2 if it's a 'Special' class.

Once you have confirmed a booking, you will receive a confirmation email. Please allow 24 hours for this and do check your junk folder if you don't receive it. 
You must pay at class with with either cash or contactless. Failure to attend without notice may mean you cannot attend future sessions. 
Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays @ 10.30am
Click book now for available dates

The Mill Play Cafe, 1850 Mill St, Halifax HX3 9ET
Tuesdays @ 10.30am
Click book now for available dates

Summy Gym Play Cente, Causey Hall, Dispensary Walk,HX1 1QL
The Lookout (Above Little Monkeys)
Click book now for available dates

The Mill Play Cafe, 1850 Mill St, Halifax HX3 9ET
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